Top Ayurvedic Remedies for Kidney Stones: Natural Solutions to Dissolve Stones

By Published On: July 30, 20245.8 min read
Top Ayurvedic Remedies for Kidney Stones: Natural Solutions to Dissolve Stones

Every year, more than half a million people reach out to emergency care for unbearable pain due to kidney stones– a concerning problem that is on the rise across the globe.

And the worst part? Once you’ve experienced this agony, the chances of it happening again are uncomfortably high – up to 80%! If you’re one of the many who has suffered from the excruciating pain of a seemingly simple kidney stone, use Krishna’s Kidney Relive Juice.

Such Ayurvedic treatments for kidney stones rejuvenate your kidneys with natural herbs and prevent further damage or reduce the risk of future stones without any major side effects.

Here, you’ll learn about Ayurvedic treatments to get rid of kidney stones, so continue reading.

Some Ayurvedic Medicines for Kidney Stones

Want to start Ayurvedic treatment for kidney stones? Book a free consultation with an Ayurveda specialist today.

An Ayurvedic Perspective on Kidney Stones: What Are They and How Do They Occur?

Kidney stones are solid deposits that are made from minerals and salts in your kidneys. They can affect any part of your urinary tract, which includes the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra.

Urine contains various dissolved wastes. When there is too much waste and not enough liquid, crystals start to form. These crystals can attract other substances and grow into a solid mass unless they are expelled from your body through urine. Normally, the kidneys, which act as the body’s master chemists, remove these chemicals. Most people can prevent stone formation by drinking enough liquid, which helps wash out these chemicals, or by having other chemicals in the urine that stop stones from forming. The chemicals that can form stones include calcium, oxalate, urate, cystine, xanthine, and phosphate.

Once formed, a stone may stay in your kidney or move into your urinary tract. Tiny stones may pass out of your body through urine with mild pain. However, stones that don’t move can block urine output and cause intense pain.

Causes of Kidney Stones

There is no definite, single cause of kidney stones, but according to Ayurveda, the imbalance in your fundamental bio-energies—Vata, Pitta, and Kapha—that govern your bodily functions is the main reason behind this condition.  The causes of this imbalance are:

  • Dehydration: When you drink too little water your kidneys can not make enough urine to dilute the substances that can turn into stones.
  • Diet: What you eat plays a big role in the formation of crystals in your kidney. Taking too much salt, animal protein, and sugary foods on a regular basis encourages stone formation.
  • Bowel Movement: Indigestion or chronic diarrhoea lowers your urine volume and raises your risk of kidney stone formation.
  • Chronic conditions: Having long-term diseases like obesity, diabetes, gout, or high blood pressure also ups your chances.
  • Modern Medicines: Certain antibiotics, calcium supplements, high-dose vitamin C, and drugs to treat HIV and AIDS can also raise your risk for kidney stones.

Best Ayurvedic Treatments For Kidney Stones

This traditional Indian medicinal system approaches every disease from its root cause, including kidney problems. It offers simple yet natural solutions that help prevent invasive procedures.

Herbal Medicines

Mother Nature provides us with many medicinal plants and herbs that are beneficial for treating different conditions. Some of the most effective Ayurvedic herbs for kidney stones are:

  • Pashanbhed: A popular Indian herb that is also called by the name ‘stone breaker’ helps in dissolving calcium oxalate monohydrate crystals, which are responsible for the formation of kidney stones.
  • Gokshur: This herb is a powerful diuretic (increases the flow of urine) that helps in flushing out toxins and preventing the formation of new stones.
  • Varuna: This herb is traditionally used to reduce urinary tract issues and helps in dissolving kidney stones, easing discomfort, and improving kidney function.
  • Punarnava: Punarnava is also valued for its diuretic properties that promote urine production and aid in the removal of toxins.
  • Kutki: This bitter herb improves liver and kidney function and total detoxification.
  • Tulsi: The herb helps in balancing the fluid, mineral and uric acid in your kidneys.
  • Amla: The fruit has high levels of vitamin C which helps break down kidney stones and let them pass.

Krishna’s Patharchatadi Swaras is the best Ayurvedic medicine for kidney stones that comprises all the herbs mentioned above.

stone cracker

Drink Enough water

For kidney stones, the simplest remedy that Ayurveda recommends is drinking more water. Water dilutes urine so crystals can’t clump into stones and they easily flush out from your body. To pass out stone it is recommended to drink about 3-4 litres (8-10 glasses) of water per day. Staying well-hydrated not only removes unwanted minerals responsible for stone formation but also helps reduce the risk of developing stones.

Stick to a Sattvic Diet

A sattvic diet which includes fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, is a healthy way of removing small-sized kidney stones. The high water content in fruits and vegetables ensures proper hydration which dilutes urine and helps flush out small stones and the low salt food prevents new ones from forming.

An Ayurvedic diet also helps keep your urine pH less acidic. A urine pH below 5.5 makes your urine saturated with uric acid crystals, which can lead to stone formation.

Also Read: Some Effective Home Remedies For Uric Acid

Make Lifestyle Adjustments

Ayurveda encourages everyone to engage in regular moderate physical activity to improve overall health and maintain balanced doshas, which will enhance both your overall health and kidney function. Along with this, practice yoga, meditation, and pranayama to reduce stress.

Making lifestyle changes and sticking to a healthy diet helps prevent obesity and chronic diseases, which can also contribute to stone formation.

Other Natural Home Remedies For Kidney Stones

  • Drink lemon juice. It is rich in citrate which helps break down calcium deposits and reduce kidney stone risk. But choose pure lemon extract or freshly squeezed juice to avoid added sweeteners that can increase the risk.
  • Consume apple cider vinegar. The citric acid present in it may help dissolve calcium deposits and lower your risk of stone formation.
  • Try wheatgrass juice. It contains nutrients and antioxidants that prevent crystal growth formation in the kidneys.
  • Drink Dandelion root juice: It helps increase urine output and eliminate waste.

Wrapping it up!

Passing kidney stones can be quite painful, but removing them helps prevent issues like blockages and infections. To help small stones pass more easily, you can try some of the Ayurvedic treatments mentioned.

If you’re experiencing severe pain or are worried about other complications, consult a urologist. They can help you better navigate the journey with kidney stones better.