Ayurveda for Modern Life: Balancing Your Doshas with Everyday Practices

By Published On: September 7, 20246.1 min read
Ayurveda for Modern Life: Balancing Your Doshas with Everyday Practices

In today’s fast-paced world, when you are busy with work, family, community responsibilities and personal commitments, you may leave little room for prioritizing health. You allow your schedules to take control of your lives and end up feeling stressed, frustrated, and tired.

To embrace a modern lifestyle, sacrificing your well-being is not necessary. Ayurveda can help you achieve a sense of equilibrium by balancing your doshas with everyday practices. In this blog, you’ll learn how Ayurveda helps you stay healthy while navigating the demands of a modern lifestyle.

What is Dosha?

Ayurveda is one the oldest and traditional forms of medicinal systems that is accepted worldwide and still used today. This ancient Indian medicine works on the basic principle of holistic wellness by combining physical, psychological, and spiritual health. According to Ayurvedic principles, a happy and healthy life can be enjoyed only when your body and mind are in harmony. This can be achieved by balancing your doshas.

Dosha refers to the fundamental bio-energy that circulates in your body and is responsible for your physiological, mental, and emotional health. Each dosha is a combination of the five elements— Prithvi (earth), Aakash (space), Vayu (air), Jala and (water), Teja (fire).

Vata- Ether + Air

Pitta- Fire + Water

Kapha- Earth + Water

Everyone has all three doshas, but there is a unique ratio of each dosha that varies from one person to the next.

This combination, known as your constitution or Prakruti in Sanskrit, represents your innate Ayurvedic body type. You also have a state called Vikruti, which reflects the current balance of your doshas. When the doshas accumulate beyond healthy limits, they wreak havoc on your health and become the cause of many ailments.

Your everyday activities like exercise and diet should be based on your dosha for a balanced and healthy life.

Learn more about the three types of dosha here, then explore some simple tips on how to balance each type.

Bring Your Vata, Pitta, & Kapha Back into Balance With Everyday Practices

Vata Dosha

The dosha governs all your body movements such as blood flow, breathing, blinking, muscle movements, and the movement of thoughts in your mind.

A person with dominant vata dosha tends to be energetic, creative and flexible. They have a slim, slender and small body and are usually enthusiastic and multitaskers. This type has the capability of learning quickly, is physically and mentally active, and enjoys creative endeavours. 

But when the dosha is out of balance, they easily become distracted or anxious. They experience cold hands and feet, dry skin, constipation, bloating, irregular sleep patterns, stiffness, or joint pain. Their energy, mood and appetite fluctuate dramatically.

Easy Tips to Balance Vata Dosha

1. Stay warm and moisturized: Creating a warm, cozy environment can greatly help in balancing your Vata dosha. Whether it’s a comfy bed, a hot bath, or a steam room, keeping your body warm and relaxed can do wonders. In a calm environment practice meditation and other activities to bring stability and grounding.

Plus, keep your body moisturised with warm oil massage using coconut or sesame oil.  This will further help you relax and stay calm.

2. Eat warm foods and drinks: Be mindful of what you eat, as food plays a key role in causing and resolving vata imbalances. A warm bowl of soup and cooked grains with healthy fats and oils like ghee, butter, etc work well to restore balance. Avoid foods that are cold, dry, or raw as they tend to cause gas.

3. Stay hydrated: Since Vata dosha tends to skew toward dryness, drinking plenty of water throughout the day promotes a healthy balanced vata. Prefer warm or room-temperature fluids such as herbal teas (ginger or chamomile).

Vata-Balancing Ayurvedic Supplements

Pitta Dosha

The dosha governs metabolism and helps control digestion. A person who has dominant pitta dosha is medium build with an athletic or muscular body, has a warm body temperature, and has freckled and sensitive skin. They tend to be highly motivated, goal-oriented, and always on the move. This type is mostly joyful, self-determined, masters skills easily, has a strong desire for success, and is a natural leader. They have strong digestion and intense metabolism.

When out of balance, they become impatient, experience mood swings when hungry, and are prone to acne, skin irritation, and rashes.

Easy Tips to Balance Pitta Dosha

1. Eat cooling foods: Avoid anything that is hot, or spicy, as such foods can aggravate Pitta. Instead opt for cooling, hydrating foods such as coconut water, watermelon, cucumbers, and dairy products. Going easy with your digestive system and ensuring it is cool will help to naturally correct pitta imbalances.

2. Stay cool and calm: Do not go out on a hot sunny day. If going, wear light and breathable cotton clothes. When possible, engage in activities that allow you to stay cool, both physically and mentally. Take cold showers, and try to spend time walking near a body of water to help keep your body temperature down.

3. Focus on work-life balance: While the competitive nature of work might make it challenging, strive to maintain a balanced life by dedicating time to your family as well. This balance can help soothe any aggressive or tenacious tendencies, promoting a calmer and more harmonious state of mind.

Vata-Balancing Ayurvedic Supplements

 Kapha Dosha

This dosha governs lubrication, nourishment, stamina, growth and the ability to feel contentment. Those with dominant kapha dosha are strong, thick-boned, and caring personalities. They usually have thick, lustrous hair, a deep, pleasant voice, and a calm, steady demeanour. They usually tend to gain weight easily. People with this dosha rarely get upset and are known to be a support system for others.

An imbalance leads to sluggishness, lack of motivation, procrastination, weight gain, and excessive sleep. They may also tend to experience breathing issues like asthma, allergies, sinus and respiratory problems. 

Easy Tips to Balance Kapha Dosha

1. Stay active: Engage in regular exercises like jogging, cycling, or dancing to stimulate energy and reduce sluggishness. Build a relationship with your inner self to get that constant motivation.

2. Eat light and warm foods: Favor light, warm, and spicy foods that can stimulate digestion and reduce heaviness. Consume plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, and avoid heavy, oily, or sugary foods, which can increase Kapha. Watch your portion size at the same time, don’t go overboard.

3. Practice mindful moderation: Be mindful of your emotional and physical tendencies towards excess. Practice moderation in all areas of life, whether it’s eating, sleeping, or trying new hobbies.

Kapha-Balancing Ayurvedic Supplements


“Prevention is better than cure” is a timeless saying that applies to many areas of life, especially health. And Ayurveda truly believes in this notion. It not only cures a specific disease but teaches us that true wellness starts from the harmony of spirit, mind, and body, emphasizing the importance of preventing ailments from arising. Follow these easy tips to balance your doshas and prevent health issues before they develop.

Not sure what your body dosha is?

Consult an experienced Ayurvedic practitioner who can perform a thorough doshic evaluation to determine your natural constitution, identify any imbalances, address your concerns, and set health and wellness goals together.