Ayurvedic Tips to Improve Gut Health and Digestion

By Published On: September 18, 20246.3 min read
Ayurvedic Tips to Improve Gut Health and Digestion

According to Ayurveda, your health largely depends on how good your digestion ability is, which means your gut health and overall health are connected.

There are trillions of microbes that reside in your gut and play an important role in metabolism and immune function. When you fail to take care of them and adopt poor lifestyle habits, you can harm the balance of the gut bacteria that help your body absorb the nutrients it needs to function properly. This can lead to problems like bloating, heartburn, gas, nausea, diarrhoea, and constipation. When these symptoms occur frequently, they can make you feel dull and lethargic all day and may eventually become the root cause of many health problems.

Proper digestion and metabolism, on the other hand, will help in converting the nutrients from the food you eat into the building blocks for healthy body tissues. To improve your digestion, use Krishna’s Digestive Care Juice. An herbal remedy that is made by combining 15 Ayurvedic herbs and spices. This article also discusses some easy Ayurvedic tips for better digestion and gut health. To know more, keep reading

Ayurveda’s Perspective on Digestive Health

Ayurveda, an ancient Indian system of medicine, places great emphasis on digestive health, believing it to be the foundation of overall well-being. It views the digestive process as a complex interplay that comprises a metabolic fire called Agni.

This is the “fire” that digests food and converts it into energy and nutrients. It also governs other metabolic processes, such as tissue repair and the ejection of waste material and toxins from your digestive system.

A weak Agni = Various digestive issues.

Ayurveda takes a holistic approach to strengthening Agni with the use of Gut health supplements, detox methods like Panchakarma therapy, an Ayurvedic diet for gut health, and lifestyle habits that we will discuss in the upcoming sections.

Ayurvedic Tips to Improve Digestive System Naturally

Ayurveda helps you maintain good gut health with just a few lifestyle changes. This not only helps you sustain a long and healthy digestive process but also supports every other aspect of your well-being. Here are some practical tips on ‘how to improve your digestive system naturally.’ 

Have a consistent daily routine (Dinacharya)

Try to maintain discipline to create a sense of regularity throughout the day. This also aids your body develop natural hunger at consistent times, which in turn prepares your digestive fire to effectively process food.

In order to have a supportive daily routine, here are a few basic rituals to follow.

  • Wake up at the same time every day, the best time is before 6 a.m.
  • Meditate for 10-15 minutes to achieve a sense of calm and alleviate the stress that is not good for your gut health.
  • Drink a glass of warm water to boost the digestive process.
  • Consider taking an ayurvedic supplement like Aloe Vera Juice and Triphala Juice on an empty stomach. According to health experts, drinking these supplements every morning promotes the growth of beneficial bacteria in your gut and helps your body absorb nutrients better.
  • After 30 minutes of taking any Ayurvedic supplement, have a healthy, protein- and fiber-dense breakfast along with a prebiotic like curd.
  • Eat three balanced meals at around the same time each day.
  • Stick to a regular bedtime schedule, ideally before 10 p.m.

Eat well and mindfully

Food is a powerful and direct way to promote balanced digestion. As important as it is to eat the right food to improve your digestive system naturally, it is also important how you eat and when you eat.

First and foremost, eat simple, light, easily digestible, and sattvic foods like whole grains, fruits, and green vegetables, cooked in less oil or ghee. Make sure you eat sitting down, in a settled environment, with no mobile phones and TV. When you sit and eat, you enjoy your meal, and eat slowly, which is good for the digestion process. Sitting when you eat also helps your stomach stay in a relaxed posture and makes you feel fuller after your meal which aids in avoiding overeating.

Overeating puts your digestive system at a toss and makes it difficult for the food to break down properly. This in turn leads to acidity, heartburn and indigestion. To improve your digestive system naturally, Ayurveda recommends eating in moderation and not going overboard.

Eat your meals at the right time

While you may be able to manage your breakfast and lunch at the right time, dinner is something that usually gets delayed, especially if you are going out. When you eat late, you may find yourself lethargic the next day. This is because of the heavy and improperly digested food you had last night.

According to Ayurveda, the digestive fire, Agni, is strongest during the early evening. At this time, it easily breaks down food and promotes the absorption of nutrients. Having a late dinner means your digestive fire is not strong enough at that time, which makes it difficult for your body to digest the food before you go to bed. This may cause toxins to accumulate in your system and cause digestive issues.

So, to improve your digestive system naturally, eat a light and healthy dinner before 10:00 p.m. while keeping in mind the quantity of food.

Add herbs and spices to your diet

Herbs and spices stimulate the digestive fire and remove the body toxins which may affect the digestive process. Here are some of the best herbs which promote healthy digestion:

Cumin or Jeera – These tiny seeds are a remedy for many digestive problems, including bloating and gas. You can either add them to your dals and curries or boil them in water and drink on an empty stomach to prevent gas throughout the day.

Fenugreek or Methi seeds- These are a great source of fibre and antioxidants. They also soothe the lining of your stomach and the intestines.

Ginger or Adrak- It has natural enzymes that help relieve indigestion, nausea, and bloating and other digestive issues.

Turmeric or Haldi It is high in anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties which support liver function and release of digestive fluid.

Good nutrition involves more than just consuming fresh and wholesome foods. If digestion is slow, your body can produce a sticky residue called ama, which can obstruct the body’s channels and disrupt proper assimilation. To stimulate the digestive fire, the following Ayurvedic drinks can be help:

Drink  ample amounts of water to support a healthy digestive system

Most of your body weight is water. Among its many important functions, water helps regulate your body temperature, flush out waste, and support the function of your heart and brain. There is no question that fibre, prebiotics, and probiotics play an important role in healthy digestion.

But there is something which is basic and much simpler to keep your digestive system running smoothly, i.e., water. Water helps in literally every step of the digestion process. It is the major component of saliva, moistens your food, and makes it easier to chew and swallow. Then it helps move waste through your system and promotes regularity. Adequate water intake helps better absorption of nutrients and also keeps stools soft and prevents constipation.


Ayurvedic tips for better digestion and gut health can be easily incorporated into your daily regime. These simple tips not only promote better digestive health but also facilitate weight loss and improve your metabolism. If you are suffering from any long-term digestive issues, consult an Ayurvedic practitioner for the right treatment plan and diet recommendations.