Many celebrity dietitians have been talking about the Glycemic Index (GI), and it’s all over social media! You must have seen those viral reels where wellness influencers wear glucose monitors to test which foods spike blood sugar and which keep it stable.
But do you really know what the Glycemic Index is and how to use it to support a healthy diet?
Don’t worry, this blog will cover everything and by the end of it, you’ll be able to make smarter food choices and plan meals that will keep your blood sugar steady helping you prevent lifestyle disorders.
What Is the Glycemic Index?
The GI is a metric that is used to determine how rapidly a food makes your blood sugar rise. Basically, when you eat or drink anything your body breaks down the carbohydrates present in that food into glucose (sugar). This sugar enters your blood circulation and is then used by cells for energy.
When sugar enters blood your pancreas releases insulin, a hormone that helps cells absorb glucose for energy. If glucose is needed immediately, it is used for energy. If there is excess glucose, it is stored in your liver and muscles as glycogen or converted into fat.
However, not all foods release glucose into your blood at the same rate. Simple carbs (like sugar, white bread, and processed foods) are easier for your body to digest quickly so they instantly make your blood sugar rise. In contrast, complex carbs such as those in whole grains and vegetables are digested slowly, thus they lead to a gradual rise in blood sugar.
After a blood sugar spike, insulin works to lower the sugar levels. If too much insulin is released, it can cause a sudden drop (crash) which can make you feel tired, hungry, and craving more sugar.
Over time, doctors believe these constant sugar rollercoasters play a part in people’s overeating, weight gain, and insulin resistance which increases the risk of lifestyle disorders like type 2 diabetes, thyroid and cholesterol issues.
So, in short, Gi is the measure of how fast a food containing carbs increases your blood sugar after eating it.
The tool ranks foods as low, medium, or high glycemic foods on a scale from 1 to 100. Where a score of 100 represents pure glucose (has a big effect on your blood sugar) and a score of one means the food has very little effect.
Categories range are:
- Low GI: 55 or less
- Medium GI: 56–69
- High GI: 70 or above
The GI not only makes you aware of what you’re putting on your plate in the first place but you can also control how much sugar enters your blood circulation. Using this, you can make better food choices and live a healthy life.
How to Use GI to Support a Healthy Diet?
One of the best ways to benefit from this measurement tool is to choose more low-GI foods in your daily meals. A diet that will not cause wild swings in your blood sugar is called a low GI diet. Such foods will make your blood sugar rise slowly and steadily. This way you will stay full for longer, and therefore eat less.
On the other hand, high GI foods make your blood sugar rise quickly and give you this quick burst of energy. But soon after you’ll tend to feel pretty tired and will get hungry quickly.
As mentioned earlier low GI foods have a value of 50 or less. These include:
- Vegetables: Cabbage, bell peppers, tomatoes, broccoli, lettuce, and brinjal.
- Fruits: Strawberries, lemons, apples, papaya, and pears.
- Dairy: Whole milk and Greek yoghurt.
- Legumes: Chickpeas, rajma, beans (dried or boiled), and other legumes.
- Sweets: Dark chocolate with at least 70% cocoa.
Foods with a high GI score (over 70) include:
- Sugary drinks: Soda, sweet tea, and energy drinks.
- Processed foods: Chips, and maida pasta.
- Baked goods and refined grains: Cakes, doughnuts, white bread, and most cereals (except whole grain).
- Fast food: Burgers, pizza, and fried chicken.
- Potatoes: Mashed potatoes and French fries.
We have listed some common foods with their GI score, click here to learn about them.
Following a low GI diet can boost overall health and help prevent certain diseases. Research suggests that eating low-GI foods may lower the risk of Type 2 diabetes. A 2019 study review found that people with diabetes who followed a low-GI diet saw improvements in body mass index (BMI), total cholesterol, LDL (“bad”) cholesterol, and haemoglobin A1c (which reflects long-term blood sugar levels). Other studies also show benefits for cholesterol levels.
On the other hand, eating too many high-GI foods may increase the risk of Type 2 diabetes and insulin resistance. It can lead to weight gain, which adds stress to the heart and blood vessels. It may also negatively impact cholesterol metabolism.
A low-GI diet has very few downsides, but there are exceptions. If you take insulin and make sudden dietary changes without adjusting your dosage, you may be at risk for low blood sugar. Additionally, if your cholesterol levels rise after switching to a low-carb diet (such as keto), a low-GI diet may not be the best fit.
How to Plan a Low-GI Meal?
Now that you understand the importance of the glycemic index, let’s talk about how you can actually use this knowledge when planning your meals. The key is balance. Instead of cutting out high-GI foods entirely, you can combine them with low-GI options to slow down digestion and avoid sugar spikes.
Here are some simple tips:
- Pair carbs with protein and healthy fats: If you’re eating chapati (which has a moderate GI), have it with dal and paneer instead of just potatoes and lots of salad. This reduces the impact on blood sugar.
- Opt for whole grains: Replace white rice with brown rice, quinoa, or millet.
- Eat fibre-rich foods: Fiber slows down the absorption of sugar, so include plenty of vegetables, legumes, and seeds in your meals.
- Limit processed and refined foods: Packaged snacks and sweets often have hidden sugars and high-GI ingredients. Stick to fresh, whole foods whenever possible. Foods in their natural state usually have a lower glycemic index than processed or refined foods.
- Be mindful of cooking methods: Boiled sweet potatoes have a lower GI than mashed or fried ones. Similarly, al dente pasta has a lower GI than soft-cooked pasta.
Does Low-GI Mean Low-Carb?
A common misconception is that following a low-GI diet means avoiding carbs altogether. This is not true! A low-GI diet is not necessarily a low-carb diet. Instead, it focuses on choosing the right kind of carbs—those that break down slowly and provide steady energy.
For example, whole grains, legumes, and non-starchy vegetables are all great sources of carbs that won’t cause sudden blood sugar spikes. On the other hand, highly processed carbs like white bread, sugar, and sweets can lead to energy crashes and cravings.
Read More About Myths About Low Glycemic Foods
Final Thoughts
As with many diets, balance is key. It’s not about completely cutting out high-GI foods but about knowing how to pair and portion them wisely. After all, we’re human, it’s unrealistic to swear off certain foods forever, especially the ones we love.
So, the trick is to enjoy everything in portions that are reasonable and not go overboard!