The Role of Yoga And Ayurveda in Thyroid Health

By Published On: November 4, 20246.3 min read
The Role of Yoga And Ayurveda in Thyroid Health

Having recently been diagnosed with hypothyroidism, I opted for Ayurvedic treatment along with my conventional medications. The doctor recommended Krishna’s Thyro Balance Juice, some dietary changes, and a dinacharya to follow. So, when he also suggested yoga along with all of those, I initially thought it was for weight loss.

Silly me.

Yoga wasn’t recommended just for shedding pounds. It was to help calm my mind, which is what this ancient 3,000-year-old practice is truly known for.

Originally, yoga was a spiritual discipline that was practised to keep the mind calm and composed. Over time, new forms of yoga emerged, and now there are many yoga poses that help balance thyroid function, whether underactive or overactive.

Let’s understand the role of Yoga and Ayurveda in thyroid health and how the two can influence better thyroid function.

How Are Yoga And Ayurveda Related?

Yoga and Ayurveda may be separate ancient practices but they are interrelated as they share the same Vedic roots. The Vedic system originated in India thousands of years ago. This ancient mantric science encompasses all human life and the entire universe guiding us toward self-realization and liberation from the cycle of birth and death.

The Vedic system has not only given us spiritual practice or sadhana but has touched all facets of healing, science, art, and culture.

Ayurveda is one of the four and probably the most important Upavedas of the Vedic system because it takes into account all aspects of healing and well-being for body and mind through diet, herbal remedies, and lifestyle modifications

Yoga, on the other hand, is one of the six systems of Vedic philosophy, known as shad darshanas. It focuses on harmonizing the body, mind, and soul through physical postures (asanas), breath control (pranayama), and meditation.

In short, yoga and Ayurveda are interconnected ancient practices that have their own unique purposes and roles, yet they also overlap and complement each other in various ways. Both share fundamental principles and beliefs that lead to holistic health and balance.

The thing is, yoga often seems like an over-achieving frontbencher; it gained popularity in the West well before Ayurveda did. However, this trend is shifting in recent decades. Today, people across the globe recognize that both practices are interconnected ancient traditions that encompass all aspects of human life and the universe.

How Yoga And Ayurveda Can Help in Thyroid Health?

Yoga is great for a variety of things. It can improve mindfulness, help in weight loss, increase flexibility, balance your energy, and improve your heart health to relieve stress. Combining yoga with ayurvedic remedies can help your thyroid gland to naturally function better.

All of the concerns — be it bettering physical health, reducing stress, or losing weight that yoga and Ayurveda can help you achieve will indirectly help with the symptoms of thyroid dysfunction.

Let’s understand some benefits of yoga for thyroid health in detail.

Stress Relief: Thyroid disorders have become quite common in this day and age.  Just as common as hypertension and diabetes. The American Thyroid Association (ATA) estimates that around 20 million people in the U.S. have some type of thyroid disorder, with at least 60% unaware of their condition. The condition is more common in women than in men, and one of the major reasons for thyroid problems is the stress of modern lifestyles.

It is well known that yoga is known for relieving stress. A study found that this exercise form helps reduce your cortisol levels—” the stress hormone”—and improves overall health, including the thyroid gland.

Improved Blood Circulation: Since thyroid hormones control the heart rate, a low amount of the hormone can slow your heart rate. A slow heart rate means impaired blood flow to the heart muscle.

Yoga asanas help improve blood circulation to all your vital organs and tissues. This aids in delivering oxygen and nutrients to all, including the thyroid. With an enhanced nutrient supply, the gland functions better to improve hormone secretion.

Enhanced Metabolism: Certain Yoga poses can make your metabolism faster, which is often sluggish in those with thyroid issues. This can help weight loss and better energy levels.

Yoga Asanas For Thyroid Health

All yoga asanas are great for both hypo and hyperthyroidism disorders, but there are a few that can be particularly useful.

Yoga asanas for hypothyroidism

1. Shoulder Stand (Sarvangasana):

This is often the first pose that’s recommended for thyroid. Since it involves being upside down, it stimulates blood flow in your upper body as well as to the glands.

One thing to be careful about is your chin, which is tucked into your chest in this position. If you feel that your neck is overbending or you experience any discomfort, it’s best to stop the pose and rest.

2. Plow Pose (Halasana)

This is another advanced yoga pose for thyroid health that is believed to provide the same stimulation as in a shoulder stand. If you feel that the pose is causing breathing difficulty, slowly release from the position.

Another safety consideration is to use a pillow under your shoulders and upper arms to give them some support and reduce flexion at the neck, making it less intense and potentially injurious.

3. Fish Pose (Matsyasana)

This pose is beneficial to practice after doing a Shoulder Stand or Plow, as it stretches your body in the opposite direction. In yoga, this is known as a counter pose. However, if you have high blood pressure, neck injuries, or glaucoma, you should avoid doing this pose.

Yoga asanas for hyperthyroidism

1. Bridge Pose (Setu Bandhasana)

This is the best pose to strengthen your back. This basic backbend and inversion can stretch your spine and relieve backaches and headaches. It also helps prepare your body for more advanced yoga poses. This exercise excellently tones your glutes and hamstring. The posture also helps calm your mind, reducing feelings of depression, anxiety, and stress.

Women in the third trimester of their pregnancy should avoid doing this pose.

2. Cat-cow Pose (Marjaryasana)

The fluid motion of your neck and back in this yoga asanas stimulates thyroid function. A simple technique that will aid blood flow to this area is drawing your chin into your chest and exposing the throat chakra.

3. Corpse Pose (Shavasana)

This pose is the most favourite of almost every individual, as it does not seem difficult, and you just have to lie down. But it can actually be challenging to lie in a still pose for a stretch of time. This exercise allows your body to completely relax. It’s a great yoga pose for thyroid health that helps you unwind and de-stress, reducing symptoms like anxiety and depression.

It also brings your high blood pressure to normal, calms your nervous system, and supports consciousness, which makes it a great yoga pose for hyperthyroidism patients.

Besides these yoga asanas, One-Legged Forward Bend (Janu Shirasasana), Cat Stretch (Marjariasana), fast-paced Sun Salutation (Surya Namaskar), and the practice of pranayamas (breathing techniques) such as Nadi Shodhan pranayama (Alternate Nostril Breathing technique), KapalBhati pranayama (Skull Shining Breathing technique), Bhastrika, and Ujjayi pranayama also work well in reducing the symptoms of thyroid disorders.

Concluding Lines

Yoga and Ayurvedic remedies like Krishna’s Thyro Balance Juice are undoubtedly the best combination for thyroid health. But remember that the above-mentioned yoga poses are not a substitute for medication. Of course, only after you practice them consistently will you see results, but they only help in coping with the symptoms better if you take medication on time, eat the right food, and follow a healthy lifestyle.

So, before you start with any of the yoga poses, make sure to consult your physician.