What Are The Benefits Of Noni Juice?

By Published On: June 24, 20246.1 min read
What Are The Benefits Of Noni Juice?

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Noni juice, made from the fruit of an evergreen tropical plant called noni, also known as Indian mulberry has gained immense popularity in recent years for its incredible health benefits. The fruit is commonly referred to as a “superfood” due to the many vitamins, minerals and nutrients found in it.

The noni plant is scientifically known as Morinda citrifolia. It is a small, shrubby plant that naturally grows in areas of Australia, and Southeast Asia, especially in the islands of Polynesia. The fruit is yellow, potato-sized, lumpy, and has a bitter taste and a strong smell like bad cheese when ripe.

For centuries, the noni plant leaves and fruit have been used in traditional foods and medicines by the Polynesian people. Today, noni fruit has become globally popular and is consumed in the form of juice to enhance the body’s immunity. Read on to know the benefits of noni juice and whether it is okay to drink noni juice every day.

But first— let’s understand its nutritional value

Different brands of noni juice have different nutritional values. The variability among them is because of the addition of sweeteners to mask their pungent odour and bitter flavour. But, juices containing added sugars can lead to a variety of health issues including diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure and cavities.

Raw Noni Juice by Krishna Ayurveda is 100% pure with no added preservatives or sugar content and therefore it is the most popular brand on the market.

A 100 ml of Raw Noni Juice serving provides around 14.77 kcal. The nutritional content includes:

  • Carbohydrates: 30.63 g
  • Protein: 1.07 g
  • Vitamin C: 87.07 mg
  • Vitamin A: 74 IU
  • Calcium: 162.33 mg
  • Iron: 2.53 mg
Health Benefits of Noni Juice

Health Benefits of Noni Juice

Noni is high in beneficial components and has diverse medicinal properties including anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and anticancer properties. Thus, people who consume it regularly claim to have improved immune function. Some of the many benefits of noni juice are:

1. Reduced Arthritis Pain

Arthritis is a condition that causes inflammation of one or more joints which leads to stiffness and pain. Some individuals use noni juice to manage arthritis and other musculoskeletal-related pain.

Being loaded with a key compound called scopoletin. which has anti-inflammatory (reduces inflammation) & analgesic (reduces pain) effects, noni juice works wonders in mollifying arthritis symptoms and improving joint health.

A study shows that regular consumption of noni juice eases rigidity in joints and reduces the severity of pain in arthritis patients. 

2. Better Heart Health

Noni juice is packed with antioxidants such as beta carotene, iridoids & vitamins C and E. These antioxidants help in getting rid of free radicals (harmful molecules) present in your body. They also break down the bad cholesterol that builds up on arterial walls.

High cholesterol levels lead to clot formation in blood vessels and reduce blood flow to the arteries causing heart attack and stroke. Drinking noni juice as part of the regular diet can help lower your bad cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of chronic conditions like heart disease.

One study found that consumption of noni juice by smokers every day for a month significantly reduced risk factors such as total cholesterol levels, LDL cholesterol levels and markers of inflammation called C-reactive protein.

A study on non-smokers showed decreased high blood pressure, which is another beneficial property for heart health.

3. Enhanced Exercise Performance

If you are an athlete looking for a natural solution to boost your endurance, then Noni juice is an excellent energy drink for you. Loaded with nutrients, antioxidants, and amino acids, the juice reduces oxidative damage in muscles and increases their oxygen uptake. This speeds up recovery after exercise and improves your overall stamina.

An interesting fact is Pacific Islanders used to eat noni fruit during long fishing trips and voyages to strengthen their bodies.

Drinking noni juice before an arduous workout will boost your energy levels and delay fatigue which will enhance your exercise performance. 

4. Reduced Cellular Damage From Tobacco Smoke

Tobacco smoking exposes your body to thousands of toxic chemicals that cause cellular damage resulting in oxidative stress. Oxidative stress suppresses your immune response and increases your risk of various health issues like viral and bacterial infections, heart disease, diabetes, and even cancer.

Research shows that noni juice can reduce oxidative damage in heavy tobacco smokers because it is high in antioxidants. It may protect against cellular damage induced by smoke and also control the systemic inflammation in your body. Iridoids in noni juice also have anti-cancer effects that reduce DNA damage by carcinogens in tobacco.

These benefits of noni juice are not an alternative to quitting smoking but only highlight its potent antioxidant effect.

5. Supports Weight Management

Noni fruits are rich in phytonutrients — plant-based chemicals with powerful antioxidant properties. These phytonutrients improve metabolism by converting food into energy for various biochemical processes in your body.

The benefits of noni juice for weight loss are much more than just increasing metabolism. The fruit also increases ghrelin levels in your body, keeping you feeling full for a longer time and preventing overeating. Other benefits are decreased visceral fat, decreased body weight & decreased blood fats.

So, if you’re trying to lose weight, include noni juice in your diet along with daily calorie restriction and exercise. 

6. Controlled Blood Sugar Levels

The benefits of noni juice may also help diabetic people control their blood sugar levels. According to a study published in the journal Molecules, noni fruit has valuable content like xeronine and proxeronine which improve the function of pancreatic beta cells. These cells produce and release the hormone insulin to regulate blood sugar levels.

If you are at risk of developing diabetes or are prediabetic, consuming noni juice regularly can help you prevent the progression of the disease. If you are someone already managing diabetes, add noni-fruit juice to your diet to support stable blood sugar levels.

7. Improved Skin Health

Noni juice is rich in vitamin C, vitamin B7, trace minerals like zinc, copper, and selenium, as well as phytonutrients. These nutrients make it an excellent organic solution for revitalizing skin texture. The antioxidants & antimicrobial properties found in noni fruit juice also aid in blood detoxification & promote collagen production. Which is known for reducing signs of ageing, such as fine lines and wrinkles.

When applied to the face, noni fruit powder can help heal acne, soothe skin irritation, reduce itching, and improve skin health. However, do not use it without consulting a dermatologist. 

Now, the question arises, how much noni juice should you consume every day?

Although there is no daily recommended dosage studies show that drinking up to 30 to 750 mL/day of noni juice is considered safe.  It is as safe as other common fruit juices but there are precautions to take if you have certain conditions. The juice has a high potassium content, so it may not be suitable for someone with chronic kidney disease or kidney failure.

You may also need to be careful if you are taking medicines for hypertension and to slow blood clotting as it can interact with some drugs. Before adding noni juice to your diet it is advisable to consult a doctor to discuss any possible drug interactions.