What is The Best Natural Remedy For PCOD?

By Published On: March 15, 20255.9 min read
What is The Best Natural Remedy For PCOD?

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Polycystic Ovarian Disease (PCOD) is a common hormonal disorder that affects 1 in 10 women around the globe. With every age, the condition causes different problems. Like in adolescent girls, it causes body and facial hair, acne, irregular periods, and weight gain. While the symptoms persist, there come added problems of infertility or difficulty getting pregnant when reaching the reproductive period. And with advancing age, the disorder increases the chances of other issues like diabetes, thyroid disease (especially hypothyroidism) etc.

The unfortunate part is the condition does not have any cure. The conventional treatment for PCOD involves medications to improve insulin levels and birth control pills to regulate periods. But relying on medications for a lifetime is not a practical solution. Just as ayurvedic solutions like Krishna’s She Care Juice help in hormonal balance and improving the symptoms, there are other prescription-free approaches for PCOD. This blog delivers the best natural remedy for PCOD that can help ease symptoms and associated problems.

What is PCOD?

It is a condition where small cysts form in your ovaries. As the name suggests (‘polycystic’ means ‘many cysts’), PCOS causes multiple tiny, fluid-filled sacs to develop inside your ovaries. These sacs are actually follicles that contain immature eggs. However, these eggs do not mature enough to trigger ovulation.

When ovulation doesn’t happen, it affects hormone levels, including progesterone, estrogen, Luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). Progesterone levels drop, while androgen (male hormone) levels increase. This hormone imbalance disrupts the menstrual cycle, causing irregular or delayed periods. Other common symptoms include:

  • Hair thinning
  • Excessive facial and body hair
  • Weight gain
  • Fertility issues
  • Acne and other skin problems

The exact cause of PCOD is complex, but researchers believe insulin resistance and hormone imbalances play a major role.

3 Best Natural Remedies For Managing PCOD

Since PCOD is a complex disorder that causes many symptoms and imbalances within your body, natural treatment for it can not be a one-size-fits-all approach. Be it medications or natural ways the treatment options only help manage the symptoms and restore hormonal balance. But the best thing about natural remedies is that they can be easily blended into your daily routine or may even become a lifestyle. This way, you rely less on medications and feel more in control of your health.

Some of the top natural remedies for PCOD include the following:

1. Make Changes to Your Diet

Diet plays a huge role in managing PCOD because what you eat directly affects your hormones, metabolism, and overall health. In PCOD, you tend to have insulin levels on the higher side, a hormone that your body uses to regulate high blood sugar. If your body has high levels of insulin persistently, it may become insulin resistant, causing increased blood sugar levels, aka diabetes.

To not let that happen, it’s really important that you consume a diet that does not cause sugar spikes.

So, are there any certain foods that can be beneficial for women dealing with PCOD?

Of course, there are!

The list is long, but one of the most important is high-protein foods, which include whole grains, nuts, legumes, and seeds. These foods help your body produce insulin, ultimately helping lower sugar levels and preventing cravings and overeating, which are common concerns in PCOD.

At the same time, when choosing carbs on your plate, avoid white bread, pasta, and sugary snacks. Instead, opt for quinoa, oats, brown rice, and sweet potatoes, which are complex carbs. The idea is to avoid processed foods as much as possible.

Another important aspect of a PCOD-friendly diet is anti-inflammatory foods like turmeric, cinnamon, ginger, and fenugreek. On alternate days, you can make tea using any one of these ingredients and drink it first thing in the morning. These foods help reduce bloating.

Lastly, don’t forget iron-rich foods. Since PCOD can cause heavy bleeding during periods. Adding iron-rich foods such as spinach, broccoli, tofu, and seeds to your diet can help prevent anaemia.

2. Take Herbs or Herbal Products

The herbal supplement Krishna’s She Care Juice is a very popular natural remedy among people with PCOD. After regularly consuming this Ayurvedic blend, women have seen improvement in symptoms, as well as better metabolism, improved digestion, and enhanced skin and hair health.

The reason why this supplement helps is the presence of ingredients like Amla, Sonth, and many adaptogenic herbs. These are herbs that help your body cope with stress, one of the major contributors to PCOD symptoms. If you struggle with this hormonal disorder, working on stress reduction becomes even more vital. Here are some adaptogenic herbs that help:

Maca Root: Traditionally used for fertility and hormonal balance, maca root may help regulate hormones, lower cortisol levels, and even improve mood-related symptoms like anxiety or depression.

Holy Basil (Tulsi): This powerful herb helps your body fight chemical and metabolic stress, supports healthy blood sugar levels, prevents weight gain, and lowers cortisol levels.

Ashwagandha: Also known as “Indian ginseng,” ashwagandha helps balance cortisol, reducing stress and its impact on PCOD symptoms such as irregular periods and weight gain.

Licorice Root (Mulethi): Rich in glycyrrhizin, licorice root is known for its anti-inflammatory properties and ability to support sugar metabolism, making it beneficial for insulin resistance in PCOD.

While these herbs can be taken in various forms like teas, juice and powders, a well-formulated herbal juice like Krishna’s She Care Juice makes it easier to incorporate multiple beneficial herbs into your daily routine.

Learn more about Nourishing Wellness: A Deep Dive into the Impact She Care Juice Has on Women’s Hormonal Balance

3. Limit Exposure to Endocrine Disruptors

From childhood, we are unknowingly exposed to endocrine disruptors. These are chemicals that interfere with your body’s hormonal system. They often mimic female and male sex hormones, which makes your reproductive system confused. This affects metabolic functions, insulin sensitivity, and reproductive health, setting the stage for PCOD, thyroid disorders, and metabolic syndrome in adulthood.

Some common endocrine disruptors to watch out for include:

  • BPA (found in plastic containers and canned foods)
  • Phthalates (used in beauty and skincare products)
  • Pesticides (found in non-organic produce)
  • Dioxins (present in industrial pollutants and processed foods)

Switching to natural skincare, BPA-free products, and organic foods can help minimize exposure to these harmful substances and prevent the condition from worsening.

Check out some of the best skincare products that are free from harmful additives and disruptors.


All the above natural treatment options for PCOD aren’t a substitute for conventional treatment. They should be used alongside it so that, gradually, your hormonal cycle becomes normal and your dependence on medication reduces.

But there’s one thing that goes without saying—the best natural remedy for PCOD works best when combined with a healthy lifestyle. Regular exercise, a well-balanced diet, quality sleep, and staying hydrated are not just wellness clichés; they are the foundation of better health.

So, while supplements, herbs, and dietary changes are helpful, they should be part of a holistic approach that includes these lifestyle basics. Small, consistent changes can bring long-term benefits and help you take control of PCOD naturally.