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Which is The Best Hemoglobin Supplement in Ayurveda?

By Published On: February 14, 20255.8 min read
Which is The Best Hemoglobin Supplement in Ayurveda?

A sedentary lifestyle, stress, and anxiety surround us in this modern and fast-paced life. Because of this, health issues are a common sight. One of the most common ones, be it in children or adults is hemoglobin deficiency.

Hemoglobin—an iron-rich protein found in your red blood cells—carries oxygen and nutrients from your lungs to the body’s tissues and transports carbon dioxide back to your lungs.

The deficiency of this important substance can lead to symptoms like fatigue, muscle weakness, dizziness, frequent or unexplained bruising, shortness of breath, headaches, et al. If the levels become too low, it may result in a condition called anemia.

But supplements like Krishna’s Hemoglobin Booster Juice can improve your hemoglobin count. It is a unique combination of many organic and precious herbs that manage the deficiency of hemoglobin without any side effects.

What Does it Mean to Have Hemoglobin Deficiency?

Your body makes hemoglobin in your bone marrow – the soft, spongy tissue inside your bones. The process begins with the production of red blood cells. These cells are rich in hemoglobin, and as they mature, they’re released into your bloodstream.

Hemoglobin deficiency occurs when the level of hemoglobin in your blood is lower than normal. And what are normal levels?

Generally, normal hemoglobin levels differ between males and females.

  • Men’s normal levels range between 14.0 to 17.5 grams per deciliter (gm/dL).
  • For women, the normal amount is between 12.3 and 15.3 gm/dL.

An extremely low hemoglobin level for males is 13 g/dL or below. For femlae, a very low hemoglobin level is 12 gm/dL. The range for children may vary according to their age and sex.

When this happens, your cells do not get enough oxygen, which powers them to provide energy to your body. This is why a low count makes you feel tired, dizzy, and even causes trouble concentrating.

What Causes Low Levels of Hemoglobin?

The most common cause is deficiency of iron in the body. Your body needs iron to make this protein substance in your blood, which is why it’s so important to consume enough iron through food or supplements.

The low count can happen due to other reasons too. It might occur if your body fails to produce enough red blood cells due to bone marrow abnormalities, or if the cells die quicker than they can be replaced. Blood loss caused by accidents, diseases, or illnesses such as heavy periods or internal bleeding can also result in low hemoglobin levels. Furthermore, if your body has difficulty absorbing iron or lacks key minerals such as vitamin B12, and vitamin B9, it might reduce red blood cell synthesis, resulting in a deficiency of haemoglobin.

If your hemoglobin levels are extremely low, it’s a red flag. Dangerously low levels can lead to severe anemia, where your body isn’t getting enough oxygen, and you may experience:

  • Extreme fatigue
  • Shortness of breath
  • Pale skin
  • Dizziness or lightheadedness

What Ayurveda Recommends for Hemoglobin Deficiency?

Ayurveda is all about natural ways to support your body to function better, and the same goes for hemoglobin deficiency. In Ayurveda, food is considered medicine. If you’re struggling with hemoglobin deficiency, a balanced and nutrient-rich diet is the first thing that Ayurveda recommends consuming to support your body in rebuilding healthy red blood cells. Along with this, hemoglobin supplements in Ayurveda help give a natural boost without the side effects that sometimes come with synthetic medications.

Read more : Boost Your Hemoglobin: Success with Juicing Tips

Foods that help with hemoglobin deficiency are:

Vitamin-C-rich foods: Vitamin C is the medium that helps the iron get absorbed by your body. So, eat foods rich in vitamin-C content such as lemons, berries, oranges, bell peppers, etc.

Iron-rich foods: As discussed,the deficiency of iron is the most common cause of a low hemoglobin count. So, load up on iron-rich foods like green leafy vegetables, tofu, spinach, kale, whole grains, pulses, beans, and more.

Vitamin A and beta-carotene-rich foods: These substances also support the absorption of iron. Vitamin A is found in carrots, spinach, kale etc and beta-carotene is present in red, yellow, and orange fruits and vegetables like pumpkin and sweet potatoes.

Folic acid: Folic acid is a B-complex vitamin that helps the body produce red blood cells. Folic acid deficiency may result in low hemoglobin levels. Increase your intake of green leafy vegetables, sprouts, dry beans, peanuts, bananas, broccoli, liver, and other similar foods.

Pomegranate: It has high levels of calcium and iron, as well as protein, carbs, and fibre. It is one of the best foods for increasing hemoglobin due to its high nutritional value.

Dates: This highly delicious dried fruit is high in energy and nutrient density. Dates are high in iron, which helps to raise hemoglobin levels in the blood. But, if you have diabetes, avoid eating dates because of their high sugar content.

While these foods are extremely helpful, it’s important to note that the process of increasing hemoglobin through diet is slow, and only a fraction of the iron consumed is absorbed. So, simply relying on food to increase hemoglobin may not be enough.

It is very important to use high-quality ayurvedic supplements such as Hemoglobin Booster Juice!

Hemoglobin Booster Juice – Best Hemoglobin Supplement in Ayurveda

Several herbs like Harad, Giloy, Bahera, and Amla support your body’s ability to rejuvenate the hematopoietic organs, helping them absorb essential minerals like iron, vitamins, and other nutrients. Hemoglobin Booster Juice is a very balanced combination of these ingredients and 12 other super herbs. This helps revitalize your system and enables it to absorb the necessary iron, vitamins, and micronutrients from the food you consume which eventually boosts your hemoglobin.

Hemoglobin Booster Juice

Key Benefits:

  • This ayurvedic supplement for hemoglobin supports the formation of red blood cells.
  • Helps your body absorb iron naturally from your diet, without any side effects.
  • Enriched with Vitamin C-rich herbs like Amla, which enhance iron absorption.
  • Packed with iron, calcium, minerals, and natural herbs to boost overall health.

The solution is easy to consume. Mix 30 ml of the juice with 30 ml of warm water and drink it on an empty stomach in the morning and 30 minutes after dinner.

If you need to significantly raise your hemoglobin levels, it’s advisable to consult an Ayurvedic practitioner first. After proper assessment, they will suggest the appropriate medication and dietary modifications.

Wrapping Up!

Now that you know how important hemoglobin is, you can take simple steps to keep your levels healthy. Focus on eating iron-rich foods, and avoid foods containing, tannins, polyphenols, phytates, and oxalic acid, such as coffee, tea, coffee, soy products, and bran, as they reduce your body’s absorption of iron—especially if you are suffering from extremely low hemoglobin levels.

Keep your hemoglobin levels in check with the best Ayurvedic supplements, and don’t forget to get tested every three months to make sure your blood is in top shape! Stay healthy and take care.